Support APAOG - Partner Today! 

Partner with APAOG and increase your exposure to PAs who practice women's health! 

The mission of APAOG is to improve the health care of women by supporting physician/PA teams who provide cost effective, quality care to female patients and by promoting a network of communication and education between providers dedicated to women's health.

Premium Partner 

Annual Rate: $750

Benefits include:

  • Prominent feature on Women’s Health Resource Center webpage
  • Custom page on APAOG’s website 
  • Three monthly ads in APAOG e-news, sent to over 700 members
  • One-time social media shoutout (Facebook 1,600+, Twitter 130+, LinkedIn 390+ and Instagram 1,500+) 
  • Featured ad on APAOG homepage for 60 days
  • Featured ad in the APAOG journal: The Artemis (one quarter)
  • Opportunity to host non-cme webinar on-demand

Supporting Partner

Annual Rate: $500

Benefits include:

  • Listing/Link on Women’s Health Resource Center webpage
  • Custom page on APAOG’s website
  • One monthly ad (166x180) in APAOG e-news, sent to over 700 members
  • One-time social media shoutout (Facebook 1,600+, Twitter 130+, LinkedIn 390+ and Instagram 1,500+) 
  • Featured ad on APAOG homepage for 30 days
  • Mention in the APAOG journal: The Artemis (one quarter)
Please note:
  • Editorial committee reserves the right to review content and/or decline advertising
  • Receipt of both ad copy and payment are required to reserve space
  • Ad size/specs must be within specifications: 166 x 180 pixels submitted as a jpeg file

Partner Application

Purchasing Options:

Please fill out the online application above and then submit your payment via one of the product options below. If you need assistance, please contact our office.

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