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APAOG Meet and Greet
Thursday, May 18, 2017, 5-6pm
Breakers L Mandalay Bay South Convention Center Las Vegas, NV.
Come meet the board and members of the Association of PAs in OBGYN (APAOG) to find out all about what APAOG has to offer! APAOG is a constituent organization of AAPA and focuses on PAs practicing in women's health in a variety of specialties including family medicine, internal medicine, GYN, OB, MFM, REI, pediatrics, geriatrics, GYN oncology, and many more!. All are welcome!
563 Carter Court, Suite B, Kimberly, WI 54136920-560-5620 / 800-545-0636920-882-3655 (fax)Email: APAOG@badgerbay.co
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