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Ultrasound Training Registration (Add-On)
On Wednesday, July 16th, from 7:00 to 11:00am, APAOG welcomes Ultrasound for Women's Health Providers as they facilitate Introduction to Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS). This will be a hands-on workshop that incorporates scanning of live models. This workshop is separate from the main conference registration fee and is offered at a low cost. Registration is limited (50) so be sure to secure your spot early!
This is an introduction to POCUS in pregnancy. The first trimester training will be focused on confirmatory gestational dating, multiple gestation and ectopic pregnancy. The third trimester training will emphasize placental location, amniotic fluid volume, fetal position and the Biophysical Profile (BPP). After the initial lecture, there will be 3 stations with live models and an instructor to guide you in a brief opportunity to scan, and more time to observe scanning techniques and images as they are ellicited. The instructor is available to guide scanning as well as to answer your questions about POCUS.
Meet our Trainers:
Carolyn L. Gegor, CNM MS FACNM has had an extensive career in Ob/Gyn ultrasound. Carolyn is an instructor and owner at Ultrasound for Women’s Health Providers. Carolyn began her career in ultrasound as an RN in 1972. She learned ultrasound from a physician on-the-job as no courses were available that early in the development of ultrasound as a diagnostic test. Carolyn was one of the founders of the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS) and obtained her RDMS in 1973. She established American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) in Washington, DC and Maryland. For several years she worked full time in ultrasound then went back to her love of labor & birth while continuing to teach ultrasound skills in obstetrics and gynecology. Once she became a CNM Carolyn was very active teaching nurses and midwives to do the Biophysical Profile. She was the Clinical Director of Fetal Assessment at the Johns Hopkins University Hospital while practicing full scope midwifery. After retiring, Ms. Gegor created Ultrasound for Midwives, now Ultrasound for Women’s Health Providers to be able to offer highly sought-after hands-on scanning and the necessary background knowledge for doing OB/Gyn Point of Care ultrasound.
Kristen Ostrem-Niemcewicz, DNP, RN, CNM, FNP-BC, FACNM is an Associate Clinical Professor and Associate Dean of Graduate Programs at the Oregon Health and Science University, School of Nursing. Kristen has used ultrasound in clinical practice since 2000 and achieved the ARDMS Midwife Sonography Certificate in 2015. She provided primary care to patients in California and New Mexico's rural settings from 1997 to 2023 and has a passion for the triage of obstetric emergencies. Kristen is chair of the American College of Nurse-Midwives Ultrasound Education Subcommittee. She is the vice chair of the Midwife Exam Group for the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers; she has served as an ACNM representative for the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, which published an OB Practice Parameter and Training Guidelines for advanced clinical providers in 2018. She has worked with Carolyn Gegor’s Ultrasound for Women’s Health Providers since 2020, teaching hands-on ultrasound image optimization and interpretation of point-of-care studies.
* Note: You must be registered for the 2025 Annual Conference before registering for this additional training.
563 Carter Court, Suite B, Kimberly, WI 54136920-560-5620 / 800-545-0636920-882-3655 (fax)Email: APAOG@badgerbay.co
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